The purpose of this ordinance is to provide an academic, educational, and work environment at Eastern Mediterranean University that is free from discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other basis. To achieve this, it is necessary to discuss, inform and provide legal and psychological support; and to seek solutions to sexual assault and sexual harassment to which university employees may be subjected to; and to provide for the structure, functions, and implementation policies of the Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault Support Unit operating within KAEM.
This regulation considers the Constitution of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, the relevant provisions of the Criminal Code of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, along with all the international treaties accepted by the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus related to the principle of equality, physical integrity, the right to education and the right to work. It has been prepared regarding the Policy Document Against Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault adopted by the Senate of the Eastern Mediterranean University.
Regulation 17 - 07 - 2020 Approved by the University Executive Board (ÜYK).
Üniversitelerde Cinsel Taciz ve Saldırıyla Mücadele: CTS Çalışmaları