List All News ArticlesEMU-CWS Hosts Panel Titled "War, Conflict and Gender Based Violence"
Published Date: Wednesday, 14 December 2016
Eastern Mediterranean University Centre of Women’s Studies (EMU – CWS) hosted a panel titled “War, Conflict and Gender Based Violence” in order to increase awareness for violence against women, in line with the 25th of November International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Gender based violence within war and conflict environments were discussed during the panel.
The panel which included many students and academicians took place at Prof. Dr. Mehmet Tahiroğlu Hall. Near East University Academic Staff and Middle East Specialist Assoc. Dr. Nur Köprülü, Investigative Journalist Sevgül Uludağ and Retired Greek Cypriot Academician Assoc. Dr. Maria Hadjipavlou delivered presentations during the event.
Yenidüzen and Politis columnist, peace activist and investigative journalist Sevgül Uludağ delivered a presentation with many photographs and drew attention to the struggles of Cypriot women for permanent peace in Cyprus since the eighties. Uludağ informed the audience about the “Hands Across the Divide” organization which was established by women bi-communally before the borders were opened and also provided detailed information about the organization’s creative activities as well as the uphill battle of women to achieve lasting peace, despite each and every obstacle.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Köprülü pulled attention towards gender inequality based violence to women and children in the environments of war and conflict by presenting data about violence rates and types in the Middle East and implying that the frequency of violence is gradually increasing.
On the other hand, retired Greek Cypriot academician and peace activist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hadjipavlou highlighted the importance of the difference between war experiences of men and women and emphasized the significance of both the participation and representation of women in peace-building periods by adding that gender inequalities and the violence against women will inevitably be reproduced without women’s contributions. The topics discussed during the panel, enabled the participants to increase their awareness about women, war-peace, conflict, violence and gender issues.