All Announcements6th International Conference Allert of CWS
Published Date: Monday, 25 April 2016
Eastern Mediterranean University - Center for Women's Studies
6th International Conference on Gender Studies
Gender, Conflict, War and Peace

The 6th International Conference on Gender Studies will be held in Famagusta, North Cyprus on March 23-24 -25, 2017 by the Center for Women's Studies of the Eastern Mediterranean University. The conference aims at bringing together scholars, researchers, performers and activists from various disciplines such as economics, sociology, psychology, politics, law, communications, education and art to present their works and exchange ideas under the general theme of "Gender, Conflict, War and Peace". This conference will explore the relationship between gender, conflict, violence, war, peace and discuss the relationship of policy, practice and research from multi-dimensional perspectives. Therefore, our conference aims to call attention to the way conflicts and wars escalate the cycle of gender based violence, reproduction and reinforcement of existing hierarchies during wars and explore gendered human equality in war and peacebuilding, gender rules and roles in war, gender perspective during conflicts and post-conflict contexts, gendered implications of displacement and peace, and last but not least, the role of women in the prevention and resolution of conflicts in peacemaking and peacebuilding.
The conference will be held over three days at the Eastern Mediterranean University Conference and Culture Center and will explore the following themes:
- Gender relations, conflict, violence, war and peacebuilding
- Gender rules and roles in war and peacebuilding
- Stereotyped gender identities in war and peacebuilding
- Domestic violence in war and peacebuilding
- Gender based violence and prosecution
- Wartime rape and the reproduction and reinforcement of existing hierarchies
- Truth commissions
- UNSC Resolution 1325 and peacebuilding
- Women's narratives in war and peacebuilding
- Empowerment of women for peacebuilding
- National and international laws and peacebuilding
- Gender discrimination, migration and refugees
- Migrant smuggling and human trafficking
- Geography of war and peace
- Education and peacebuilding
- Contemporary issues in feminism
- New perspective in gender studies
Due to the international nature of the conference only abstracts written in English will be accepted for review. However presenters can choose to present their papers in English or Turkish.
Submissions are subject to blind peer review at every stage. Papers without gender perspective will be rejected.
Abstracts and papers will be accessible to all participants on the conference website once the complete program is set.
The deadline for submitting proposals is 11 November 2016.
Please send your abstracts (not more than 300 words) through
The accepted abstracts will be announced on 12 December 2016.
The deadline for submitting full papers is 25 February 2017.
Detailed information is available on
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further information.
Conference secretariat:
Bilcan Bladanlı
Eastern Mediterranean University - Center for Women's Studies
Conference - mail:
Tel: +90 (392) 630 2269